Electrical Contractor Services


With a team of licensed and skilled electricians Danmar Electric Ltd is proud to serve your electrical needs. With over 25 years of experience, we offer both residential and commercial services. From general lighting and rewiring, to outlets and circuit breakers, we strive to provide long-lasting solutions. We aim to offer top quality service to our customers.

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What you need to know

Prior to hiring an Electrical Contractor the Electrical Safety Authority recommends you ensure they:

  • Have a valid ECRA/ESA Electrical Contractor Licence
  • Are qualified to perform the type of electrical work you require
  • Can provide references .
  • Will provide a written cost estimate of the work

Danmar Electric Ltd is an ACO Contractor

ESA™ Authorized Contractor Program - How We Can Help: The Electrical Safety Authority recognizes Electrical Contractors who consistently perform a level of electrical wiring and installation work that reinforces public electrical safety. The voluntary program called the Authorized Contractor Program requires that Electrical Contractors maintain a high level of performance, carry appropriate liability insurance, and arrange for regular update training on the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.

Participating Contractors, and their customers can experience:

  • Uninterrupted workflow
  • Reduced electrical service downtime during renovation
  • Increased compliance to the Ontario Electrical Safety Code equating to increased electrical safety
  • Audits of electrical installation as opposed to full electrical inspections
  • Reduced costs for Electrical Safety Authority inspection services

Following electrical work a Certificate of Inspection will be provided for all work where an Application for Inspection has been filed and any identified defects have been corrected.

Call or customer service today and schedule an appointment and assessment. No project is too big or too small. No matter the details and simplicity, we treat each request seriously and promptly.

Tel: 905 . 595 . 0545 / QRT: 416 . 688 . 6672

DANMAR Electric Ltd

Contact us today for any questions, expert assessment and quote request:

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